Interiors by Studio Wonder Arts

We Got You Covered!


Are you looking for turnkey Interior solution for your new home?

We can design and complete interior execution of your new home to transform it as per your requirements


Are you planning to renovate your existing home?

We have an expert team to do all civil work, and furniture work from start to finish, within your budget

Get You Full Home Interior Price Calculator In 4 Easy Steps

Choose Your Type of BHK​

The Type Of House Helps Us Understand The Configuration Of You Home.

Select the Size of your house​

This Will Help Us Calculate The Best Estimate Of Your Interiors.

Pick the Rooms to be Designed​

This Will Help Us In Understand The Scope Of Work For Your Interiors.

Pick Your Estimated Budget​

This Will Help In Understanding Your Budget And Give You The Best Interior Solution.

Wardrobe Idea
Living Room Idea
Tv Units Idea
Dining Room Ideas
Bedroom Ideas
Kitchen Ideas